Saturday, 25 February 2012

Understaffed TTC can't fill my data request

The TTC isn't able to pass me the data I requested. They don't have enough staff.

As mentioned in a previous post, my main goal of this project was data visualization, specifically throwing together a year of TTC delays on an interactive, colour-coded map. My thinking was that I could take data that already exists and see which areas suffer the most delays, and which routes are the worst to take.

I contacted the TTC at the end of Janurary. My questions: "I know major service advisories are broadcasted online and emailed to a list, but is there a log kept?" and "I'd like to obtain a list or compilation of all advisories for 2011 and 2010. Do you know how I could go about this?"

I got a rather prompt reply from a public relations staffer saying she'd look into it.

About one month and three prompting emails later, I got a reply. It was right in the middle of the still-running transit debate cesspool at City Hall.

I'm very sorry, it's been a busy week here at the TTC. Unfortunately, we
do not have the resources to compile the list of ealerts. IT was unable
to do it on their end. The only other option is to cut and paste from
our Facebook or Twitter accounts. 

This is something our communications team would have helped with in the
past, but with recent budget cuts, our department has been cut from six
staff to four. I would not be granted the overtime necessary to work on
something like this.

Good luck!

Jessica Martin is a communications advisor with the TTC.
You might recognize her as the woman giving TTC updates
on CP24's morning commuter show.
Torstar News Service photo
It's disappointing, but I'm thankful for her reply, and I sympathize with their dilemma.

The email was from Jessica Martin, a communications advisor with the TTC. She's also the one who gives commuter updates on CP24's morning show (formerly Breakfast Television).

As my course instructor pointed out, this is part of the new would of PR, where communications people are expected to take on multiple roles.

Not only does Martin keep track of customer emails, media requests and other daily tasks in a short-staffed office, she has to broadcast updates every weekday morning.

I don't envy her job.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Audio: How reliable is the TTC?

Two weeks ago I took to the streets with a radio recorder and asked 10 commuters for their thoughts on the TTC.

I picked the four whose comments best reflected what I'd heard Some were quite satisfied, while others complained of unpredictable service.

I mixed it with some photos in my Flickr account and produced this audio slideshow.

Our class this week is focusing on the use of audio online. I found some TTC-related podcasts that are worth a listen:

  • Spacing Radio: The magazine for Canadian infrastructure wonks has a bi-wekly discussion on issues including transit.
  • Canadian Urban Institute: This podcast has unfortunately remained untouched since 2010, but has some interesting talks on the possibilities and limitations of the TTC. Some of the talk of looming budgetary conflict is eerily prophetic.
  • Posted Toronto: The National Post's Toronto section has a weekly sit-down with its city-dwelling editorial board members. Transit is a frequent topic.
  • CBC's Metro Morning: The show is a round-up of Toronto news and issues, but the ongoing TTC debates feature largely in their podcasts.
I also found some individual episodes on TTC plans:

Storify: The fate of Gary Webster

Councillor Joe Mihevc shows support for Webster.
Photo tweeted by the Sun's Don Peat.
It looks like TTC head Gary Webster is going to be fired this afternoon.

City council's TTC commission is meeting to discuss Webster and will likely present a motion to dismiss him. Webster butted heads with Mayor Rob Ford over future plans for the TTC, a move that's caused much political drama these past few months.

I'm running a live Storify, compiling tweets and photos related to the ongoing meeting. Check it out:

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

TTC exec apologizes for Monday morning cesspool

Photo courtesy of the TTC.
Yesterday was a particularly bad morning for Toronto commuters. After an issue with smoke at track level, almost a dozen official delays were issued.

Some riders claimed they waited for over half an hour, both on platforms and on trains. During that afternoon's commute, a TTC staffer took the system's intercoms and issued an apology for the headaches that morning.

Andy Byford, a Londoner who came to the TTC in the fall via Sydney, recorded the public apology after numerous train delays between about 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Monday. That’s when a disabled train at Davisville and smoke at track level near Sheppard cascaded with 11 passenger assistance alarms.

A Toronto commute (video)

I made a video. Check it out:

I took to the streets with a portable camera and tripod for last Friday's rush-hour commute.

I'm still working on getting my voiceovers in.

As luck would have it, there was a huge delay as I arrived at Yonge-Bloor interchange station. There was some form of a medical emergency and trains were delayed by 7 minutes or more.

I also found some streetcars clustering together at Spadina Ave. and College St.

I filmed a streetcar on the same Spadina line down at Bremner Blvd. The influx on condos has meant many more commuters. But have their been more trams? I'm in the process of figuring this out.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Waiting for data. In the meanwhile, here's a gallery!

I launched a photo gallery on Flickr today. I've been carrying my camera around for a week. I wanted to get some stock images of people using the TTC, and some pictures of people waiting around. Some of the photos I'm using for an audio slideshow.

This one reminded me of clowns cramming into a Volkswagen.

I made an earnest attempt to not photograph faces. The TTC is technically private property and there are rules on what you are allowed to capture. Generally you have to seek permission to film or take photos professionally.

I tried to get a shot of a delay advisory, but despite spending a few hours on the system, I wasn't around while one happened. It could be bad luck, or it could be that delays aren't as frequent as we perceive.

I'm trying to figure this out. I'm in touch with the TTC's media division and am waiting to see what data they can send me. I'll keep you posted.