As mentioned in a previous post, my main goal of this project was data visualization, specifically throwing together a year of TTC delays on an interactive, colour-coded map. My thinking was that I could take data that already exists and see which areas suffer the most delays, and which routes are the worst to take.
I contacted the TTC at the end of Janurary. My questions: "I know major service advisories are broadcasted online and emailed to a list, but is there a log kept?" and "I'd like to obtain a list or compilation of all advisories for 2011 and 2010. Do you know how I could go about this?"
I got a rather prompt reply from a public relations staffer saying she'd look into it.
About one month and three prompting emails later, I got a reply. It was right in the middle of the still-running transit debate cesspool at City Hall.
I'm very sorry, it's been a busy week here at the TTC. Unfortunately, we
do not have the resources to compile the list of ealerts. IT was unable
to do it on their end. The only other option is to cut and paste from
our Facebook or Twitter accounts.
This is something our communications team would have helped with in the
past, but with recent budget cuts, our department has been cut from six
staff to four. I would not be granted the overtime necessary to work on
something like this.
Good luck!
Jessica Martin is a communications advisor with the TTC. You might recognize her as the woman giving TTC updates on CP24's morning commuter show. Torstar News Service photo |
The email was from Jessica Martin, a communications advisor with the TTC. She's also the one who gives commuter updates on CP24's morning show (formerly Breakfast Television).
As my course instructor pointed out, this is part of the new would of PR, where communications people are expected to take on multiple roles.
Not only does Martin keep track of customer emails, media requests and other daily tasks in a short-staffed office, she has to broadcast updates every weekday morning.
I don't envy her job.